WEB-SEMINAR - Tape Bonding TPE - New adhesion solutions without Primer

In the following we provide you with our web-seminar as video recording free of charge



Until today, TPE in a hardness range of 40 to 90 Shore A offered no sufficient adhesion to acrylic foam tapes without using solvent based primers, even if the tape is optimized for low surface tension materials.

KRAIBURG TPE now proudly presents TPE solutions which fill this gap in the market. The innovations show bonding to several types of acrylic foam tapes and give customers the opportunity to cut costs. Ecologically sound and safe to work with: the new TPE solutions offers many advantages.

In this 15-minute session, cross-industry attendees as well as automotive project managers, developers and designing engineers are introduced to adhesion values to multiple foam tapes and the concept behind these new material solutions.   

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