Webinar: Well Prepared for EU Drinking Water Regulations with KRAIBURG TPE

In the following we provide you with our webinar as video recording free of charge

Language: English

Webinar: Well Prepared for EU Drinking Water Regulations with KRAIBURG TPE


Companies involved in drinking water applications need a well-prepared partner in the face of upcoming regulatory changes. In our webinar, expert Hartmut Arheidt will present the latest solutions for drinking water applications, including tubes and hoses. These comply with the stricter European regulations as well as the KTW-BWGL guideline and deliver predictable and reliable results, eliminating any potential risk of failing to obtain the required approvals. 


Key insights

By watching, you will gain insight into our products that ensure compliance with these new regulations and deliver predictable and reliable results. Please note that failure to transition to compliant materials could result in an inability to meet regulatory approvals, risking project delays and increased costs.


